Saturday, July 12, 2008

Barack's Vote for Bush's FISA Bill

The Senate sent the White House a bill last week overhauling rules on secret government eavesdropping and shielding telecommunications companies from lawsuits. Barack Obama voted for the bill and immediately the blogosphere came alive with supporters ready to bolt or at least asserting he had lost their vote. I disagred with the vote, too, but I have not – and will not – reconsider my support for the one man in America who can help us take back our government from those who disparage our Constitution and use the levers of power to perpetuate their own narrow personal agendas.

Regardless of who is elected, you and I will never agree with that person 100 percent of the time. I will not give up my support for a leader, therefore, just because I disagree with one or two votes he makes while serving in the Congress. I like to think I’m the kind of voter who makes decisions based on the exercise of broad public policies. Do we go to war on false pretenses? Do we spend $1 trillion on that war before we admit we made a mistake? Do we spend like drunken sailors on anything our “friends” want? Do we cut domestic programs that benefit all Americans? Do we leave an entire city to fend for itself following a natural disaster? You know, little things like that.

We should give the man a break. There is more at stake than our pique over one or two votes with which we disagree. To paraphrase Phil Gramm's comment to the Washing Times the other day, we need to quit “whining.” Just remember, Obama is THE man for these times.

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