Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide"

We now stand 232 years removed from the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The government that followed that declaration left us a magnificent heritage. In the dynamic of history, it is not possible to return to those times, much as many of our friends in the opposition party would like to. I say that because they have insisted for decades that government is too big.

Government is big today because the country is big (300 million citizens as opposed to just 2.5 million in 1776). And the government is big because it takes a big government to serve the citizens. Citizens, for the sake of the Union and for the common good, give their taxes to government, asking only that government administer responsibly the many and diverse programs that serve them. If the programs don’t serve the people, it is up to the people to elect representatives to change them.

But go back? No, not possible. So politicians, please stop promising a smaller government. You don’t mean it; you couldn’t deliver it if you did.

Times change. Circumstances differ, but it still remains possible to build upon the great heritage our founders left us. How many times have I heard a politician say, “The responsibility of each succeeding generation is not to exhaust our inheritance, but to replenish it?” I would add, “And to expand upon it.” Because that is part of our responsibility as citizens.

Barack Obama will be our next President. It will be up to him – AND US – to expand upon our founders’ legacy.The way will not be easy. The decisions at home and abroad will be difficult. I have no doubt that Obama and his administration will not shrink from the task at hand.

What is the role for each of us?

In this day when we are reluctantly counting the declining assets in our bank accounts, and when we are tempted to dwell only on the flaws in the fabric of our nation, it is time to count our blessings and to recommit ourselves to getting this nation back on track. In that great protestant hymn by James Russell Lowell, the opening line reminds us, “Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide.” This is that moment for our generation.

The choice we make on November 4 will send a message to all that America’s government remains “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We stand as a witness to the entire world that freedom is not a blessing to be taken for granted, where justice is promoted equally throughout the land, where the rights inherent in our Constitution are not to be dismissed but held sacrosanct, and where the promise of a brighter tomorrow is considered imminently achievable for every citizen.

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