Monday, November 17, 2008

GOP is NOT Dead!

Far from it. Over 58 million Americans voted for the McCain/Palin ticket. They voted for the Republican ticket in spite of an incumbent President of their party who set lowest disapproval record in the nation's history, in spite of a disastrous pick for a vice presidential running mate by John McCain, and in spite of the worst meltdown in the economy since the Great Depression.

58 million people actually went to the polls and voted for the Republicans. I would say that's a strong show of support for the current lost cause. 58,343,671 to be exact (although it does not include the Missouri vote which has not been made final).

So, here is some free advice...absolutely no charge: STOP TRYING TO TELL THE AMERICAN VOTER THAT YOU ARE THE PARTY OF LOWER TAXES AND SMALLER GOVERNMENT. You were at one time. You are not now -- and haven't been since around 1980.

If you want to win again, start telling people you are for fair taxation of all Americans -- and those who pay their taxes are the real patriots in our society. Start telling people you are also for responsible government spending for programs and services that strengthen America and that you are also in favor of holding all public servants accountable for their actions, deeds, decisions.

I know it will be hard to fit that on a bumper sticker but you need to figure out a legitimate way to tell this story because right now the American people are not buying that soap you've been selling them for the last 40 years.

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