Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lock and Load, Rush. Karl Marx is at the door

OK, I want to make one thing clear: anyone who listens for one second to Rush Limbaugh is admitting he is perfectly willing to suspend all semblance of reality in his life. Rush is blaming Obama already for the recession we are in. He is blaming the President-elect for a whole range of national plagues a full 69 days before Obama is set to take the oath of office.

Rush and the nut-case right wingers on talk radio are also responsible for the run on weapons -- especially assault weapons -- at gun stores across the nation. They are telling those foolish enough to listen to them that the next President is going to pass new laws to confiscate their weapons and gun owners should prepare to resist that day, apparently with violent revolution if necessary. Brian Williams had a report about the up tick in gun sales tonight on the Nightly News.

No one could make this up. Who ARE these people who listen to that fruitcake? Please tell them as calmly as you know how, when you have the misfortune to engage them, "Stop, please stop listening to Rush Limbaugh." If possible, add this bit of truth, "Rush is not a patriot; if he were, he would not be seeking to blame Obama for every mistake visited upon the nation the past 50 years, except, of course, the period when Bill Clinton was President. Bill Clinton is still responsible for all the bad that happened in those eight years -- including, I guess, all that peace and prosperity we enjoyed.

Say goodnight, Rush.

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