Monday, November 3, 2008

Almost time to...........GO TO WORK!

No celebration should be planned. There is stil work to do...and after the winner is declared, it will be time for all of us to redouble our efforts to take back this republic and make it work for all of us, not just a select few.

As of this morning, it appears Barack Obama will carry "swing states" Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada. Although he is ahead in Ohio and Florida, it would be premature to count them (although I feel better about Ohio this morning).

Indiana, North Carolina, and Missouri will be interesting to watch because the candidates are in a virtual tie right now...BUT, and it is an important but, those three states are not likely to change the outcome. And that is the good news.

But wait, there's more. The really good news is: Arizona, John McCain's home state, is now considered a very real "toss-up" opposed to a "wishful thinking toss-up" state.

An interesting side note to think about today: late polls that include cell phone users have Obama up nationally 9.4 points as compared to landline users only that have Obama ahead just 5.1 points.

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