Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Feeling Sorry for the GOP Today

They are flailing about looking for leadership like no other time in their history. They are desperate! Right now, they are trolling television looking for that someone with the RR charisma that includes twinkling eyes, consistently colored hair and the ability to deliver beautifully crafted sound bites in 10 seconds or less.

They thought they had that someone in Bush 43 but we all know how that turned out. The man was not even comfortable in the English language. So they took a close look at Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, until he proved in his weak attempt at a rebuttal to the State of the Union speech that he had the oratorical skills of a gnat. Next it was Sarah Palin who, by the way, continues to demonstrate daily that she is about ready to take an 8th grade history class. But with those cute legs, who cares: "Pay her the dough and let's go watch the show." Then there was Scott Brown, the Tea Party darling of Boston who won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat (through ineptness of the candidate, AG Coakley). Scott Brown has proven to be an independent thinker and the GOP can't have any of that, so scratch him off the list. And so, along comes Marco Rubio, who is about to crush Governor Charlie Crist for the GOP nomination to the Senate from Florida. Rubio hasn't even won the nomination in Florida and already the GOP is pursuing him for the national race in 2012. He is embarrassed by his party's desperation.

Here's my suggestion: Go back to Hollywood. Pick out someone like Ronald Reagan who will make you feel good even as he triples the federal debt and presides over an unemployment rate of above 10% for 10 consecutive months in 1982-83 (that's correct!!) and also watched government expand its reach exponentially during his two terms in office. And you didn't care. In fact, you idolize him for all that. He is the "morning in America" President, who watched government grow and neither you nor him cared a bit. Don't you wish you had someone like that for 2012?? Of course you do. Look, start with the tape of celebs on the Red Carpet at this year's Oscar Awards Ceremony. There's got to be a candidate there for you. Don't start with Charlton Heston. I understand he is not available anymore....but there are many who are.

You're welcome. No problem at all.

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