Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"What if we are wrong -- again?"

The Old South is truly the heart of the Republican Party. The 11 states from the old Confederacy are represented in the US Senate by 15 Republicans, or 2/3 of the 22 Senators from the South. Republicans dominate the state legislatures in nearly all of the Old South states. The head of the Republican Governors Association is Haley Barbour of Mississippi.

Does that mean we are on the cusp of a new enlightened age? Hardly.

As every school child learns early, the Old South states were wrong when they seceded from the Union in the 1861; they were wrong when they opposed civil rights legislation in 1965; they were wrong about the need to go into Iraq in 2003 when we should have focused our national energy and military resources on finding bin Laden in the mountains of Bora Bora.

Could it be these same states and their Republican representatives are wrong about President Obama? What if he is not the anti-Christ; what if he is a US citizen? What if he is more of a Christian than they are? (Ask yourself who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ closer?) What if he is right about climate change? What if he is right about health care reform? What if each of us received our “bailout” when he took steps to keep the entire economy from collapsing?

In short, what if you are wrong – again? What if you are missing the opportunity to support the best President – popularly elected by the people -- in a generation?

What will you tell your grandchildren?

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