Monday, April 26, 2010

Lock, Stock and Barrel

You are a conservative, loyal member of the Republican Party. You are not in favor of the Federal government bailing out Wall Street or anyone else for that matter.

But your party’s leaders in Washington don’t care.

They have been bought lock, stock and barrel by corporate interests, especially Wall Street bankers and brokers.

One thing you can say for them: once they are bought, they stay bought. On Monday, April 26, 2010, they objected en masse to moving forward with debate on a US Senate bill to reform Wall Street and reign in the greedy barons of Manhattan whose actions threaten your job and the jobs of your friends.

How does it make you feel to know that you are loyal to a party that ignores your views, manipulates your loyalty and generally disregards your best interests. How does it feel to be in a political party like that?

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