Friday, March 26, 2010

They Eat Their Young

Did you see where David Frum, former Bush speech writer was forced out of his job with the American Enterprise Institute for saying some slightly critical things about the GOP loss on health care reform? Frum says it appears some of the donors had something to do with it. Make that the GOP Pure Police. You have to be pure to be a Republican these days. If you vary from the party line, if you dare think for yourself, if you dare talk about bipartisanship, you are in deep trouble.What will happen, you say? Well, if you are a lobbyist, you lose your job; if you are a member of Congress, you get a primary opponent next time. "We will weed you out" seems to be the governing dicta of the Pure Police. "We pull all weeds."

I'm concerned. I think we should all be concerned to see that the intelligent people have been forced out of the GOP by extreme elements (tea partiers) of the GOP.

Did you see Sarah Palin introducing John McCain to a partisan crowd in Arizona today? I have never seen John McCain so uncomfortable. He kept looking at his notes (When is she going to finish), and off to the side (Where is some aide who will come to my rescue), she embraced the tea party movement entirely and said if you are supporting John McCain, you are part of the tea party movement (Help, is there no one who will get her off the stage for me). After a while you began to feel sorry for him. But that leather jacket with the zippers on it in strategic places was fetching, wasn't it. Wouldn't she make a good President?

1 comment:

Joe Fab said...

Less than a year and a half ago, Senator McCain was his party's candidate for president and Sarah Palin was the ill-chosen running mate he'd plucked from obscurity in an act of desperation. Now we see him desperate AGAIN, swallowing his pride to have the half-a-governor put her stamp of approval on him, trying to suck enough votes from the mindless zombies she holds in her thrall to hold onto his Senate seat. It was pretty sad when he shredded his reputation and self-respect in pursuit of the White House. I didn't expect to see anything more pitiful -- but now I have.