Monday, March 22, 2010

Watching the Debate and Vote on Health Care

As I watched the debate last night preceding the historic vote on health care reform in the House of Representatives, I played a game: I substituted social security every time one of the Republicans said health care, thereby giving me a chance to step back in time to 1935 to catch a soundbite from the historic Social Security debate. I gained a new respect for those courageous legislative pioneers of 75 years ago who set the stage for Sunday night's vote.

And when the dust settles, the loud clamor against health care reform will fade into the background quickly. No one is going to succeed in challenging the constitutionality of the process. Are you kidding? Congress can pass any bill any way it wants to. It is one of the co-equal branches of government. But the Republicans would know that if they read the US Constitution. The Courts will have nothing to say about "the process" used. That is clearly the prerogative of the Congress as set forth in the Constitution. Nor will any other attempts to roll back the vote be anything but a waste of energy.

I regret the R's chose to roll the dice this way. I wish they had been willing to do as Repubs have done in the past: compromise on the issue so they could go home and tell their constituents they "won" something for them. Soon, it will be evident to all Americans, including the Repubs, that the minority party does not wish to advance the American cause; they just want to govern for the sake of perpetuating their position in power. So sad.

Watch for the growth in an Independent Party movement if the two major parties do not learn how to govern together. We are not far from such a victory and that may be the best thing for America. It will get us back on a track closer to what the Founding Fathers had in mind. They did not have the current "process" in mind, that is, where one party says "NO" and the other says, "I guess we got to do this without you." That's not representative democracy. In a true representative republic, the two sides are expected to work together for the good of all.

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