Thursday, June 5, 2008

No Wind at McCain's Back

McCain’s problem is there is no wind at his back.

He’s not just old, he thinks old. And the old way of thinking says you can say anything to get elected and no one will notice, and if they do, they won’t do anything about it. He’s wrong. Americans have finally awakened from their national nightmare and, with steely resolve, are going to take back their government this November.

Something fundamentally American is on the move. No one running for President has ever drawn the crowds Barack Obama has. There were 20,000 in Houston, 35,000 in Philadelphia, 75,000 in Portland with another 15,000 the police would not let through the gates, 19,000 in St. Paul on that historic night when he claimed enough delegates to secure the nomination, with 15,000 more outside who could not get in.

There IS something moving across the face of America. It is the breath of renewal, carried by the winds of hope, nurtured by the promise of a better day, and fed by the desire of every one of us to take back our republic, preserve the rights of all under the Constitution and bequeath a stronger nation to the next generation.

John McCain’s view of change is to follow the fickle weathervane of public opinion. The American spirit with its indominatable resolve to make this a better land needs no weathervane to point it forward.

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