Sunday, June 8, 2008

Memo to Tim Russert

As I watched that gaggle of NBC political reporters, analysts and pundits on Meet the Press today, I thought, “What a waste of time.” It does not help the voter understand the issues better or candidates’ views when Tim presents talking heads doing what they do best – just talking.

Here’s my suggestion to Tim: Why not devote a series of Sundays this summer to panels of experts on the major issues. But not just any experts: each panel would consist of six individuals, three each selected from among those who have endorsed the two major candidates. They would not be asked about their candidate’s position (that’s for the campaign spokesman); rather, they would be asked to share advice they would give their candidate on the issue with which they are most familiar. Start with the economy, then to national security, followed by global warming and related environmental issues. What a great way to start a national dialogue on the issues. (By the way, this would give talking heads much to talk about in the week following each panel discussion.)

And it would give the voters an idea of the quality of advice the winning candidate is likely to receive starting next January.

Most importantly, on the Sunday before the Democratic Convention, Tim could invite Barack Obama to appear and respond to the more salient comments made during the series (video clips to be selected by Tim, of course), and invite John McCain to appear the Sunday before the Republican Convention for the same discussion.

Why not turn the dog days of summer into a useful exercise that will help the voter understand who best to put in The White House to address the most pressing issues of our time?

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