Monday, June 2, 2008

Let It Be

As of today, Barack Obama needs less than 50 delegates to claim the nomination. Only the Montana and South Dakota primaries remain with a total of 31 delegates at stake. When the results come in, Obama will add them to the names of the super delegates who have moved to his side, thus allowing him to claim the nomination, with confidence, in remarks Tuesday night (in St. Paul in the same venue, incidentally, that the Republicans will use for their convention, September 1-4, 2008). The race, finally, will be over. Yes, I know, Hillary says she will stay in it, but THE RACE IS OVER!)

Now we have only five months to wait for the Bush-Cheney nightmare to be over and a new day to dawn in American politics. It is time for everyone to take a deep breath, turn off Fox News, turn down Keith Olberman, laugh with Chris Matthews, enjoy John Stewart, feel sorry for Bill O’Reilly, and just – chill out. We have a long way to go.

To put it in perspective, we haven’t even reached the baseball All-Star break yet. We still have miles to go. The 2008 World Series will be over as will the parade for the new champions. Even the confetti from the champions’ parade will be buried under piles of newer rubbish long before Election Day. Indeed, it is likely that even some of the new fall television programs will have been canceled before the November 4th election.

It IS a long journey, but – and think of it this way – it is not as long as the eight years we have endured already. So, for the mental health of all parties, it is best to disengage from time to time (and this is one of those times). The "silly season" has begun. Time to take John Lennon's advice and just “Let it be.”

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