Friday, June 6, 2008

Into the Media Maw

The media cannot be sated. When there is a question surrounding an Unknown, it must be asked until the Unknown becomes the Known. Then it is on to the next Unknown – no matter what it is, no matter how trivial (latest YouTube video craze), no matter how important (Obama’s pick for VP).

VP picks are typically announced at the party’s convention and my calendar says it does not take place until August 25-28 in Denver. Meanwhile, Obama has asked three people to conduct a search and determine for him the best VP candidates for the nation in 2008. From a short list they will develop, he will make a decision.

I’m fine with a little conversation in the media about possibilities…but lay it out there and leave it alone. We don’t “need to know” right now. Give the man some space, some time, some peace, some rest…and, most importantly, give him time to think.

This absolute frenzy to be first to determine the Unknown has got to stop.

But it won’t.

The media maw is wide and deep and must be fed. It must. The favored entre of this voracious animal is always…Unknown.

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