Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sanctimonious Republicans

Who are these people, the John Boehner’s and the Chuck Grassley’s of this world who claim to be outraged by the current level of spending proposed by the Obama Administration.

Where was their outrage when Ronald Reagan quadrupled the national debt during the eight years of his administration, when the common and accepted practice of the GOP was to “borrow and spend?”

Where was their outrage when George W. Bush was setting new spending records in virtually every category of federal spending during his eight years? Nearly $1 trillion (and possibly more) in direct outlays spent on “nation building” in Iraq, a record for our country; approval of a record cost for prescription drug benefit for seniors, exceeding $1 trillion (Bush, of course, miscalculated the cost at only $400 billion); Bush also proposed a record budget of $3.1 trillion for the U.S. in fiscal year 2009; finally, as Bush left office, the nation’s debt was rising at $2 billion per day! Where was the outrage of Grassley and Boehner then?


Their silence was as deafening then as their hypocrisy is today.

And therefore, it should come as no surprise that their lamentations about President Obama’s initiatives to stabilize the economy and restore its strength have no credibility with the American people and are being roundly ignored – as they should be.

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