Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Newt, Rush -- and Obama: A Tuesday Potpourri

When Gingrich says as he did on one of the Sunday talk shows, “No one wants Obama to fail, we just want his policies to…uh, we just want him to change policies,” make no mistake about it, he wants Obama to fail. This comment is so sad…so clearly transparent and unworthy of the former leader of the OS.

I have almost concluded Gingrich should run for President in 2012 as he has suggested he might. Maybe that would be the best way for us to dismiss permanently this less than helpful individual from the body politic. I wonder if that teaching position is still open at West Georgia College at Carrollton from whence he came.


President Obama has more on his plate…right now…than any human…ought to face…ever. I know there must be loyal opposition – everyone is entitled to a different opinion, if they have one – but all of us, those who voted for him and those who did not, should give Obama time to lead. He hits a couple of objections to his bold attempts to stabilize the economy and the media – all of them – collectively pounce and pronounce “The honeymoon’s over.” And that was just 10 days after the swearing-in. Today, he has been in office 50 days and TV business analysts are calling the market decline “Obama’s bear market.” Give me a break. If you expect to enjoy any measure of credibility with the American people, your comments must be found somewhere within the realm of reason, please. The American people deserve more thoughtful analysis.


Every time the TV networks replay a tape of Rush Limbaugh pontificating on the major issues of the day, as he was recently at a meeting of right-wing conservatives in Washington, I think of a day many years ago when a lady called his radio show to challenge him on a couple of issues. She had her facts ready and in a few minutes it was obvious he had been wrong and she was right. He stopped her finally, chuckled his famous, “Hehehehe,” and added, “Madam, remember, this is just entertainment.”

And so we all should remember, “…this is just entertainment.” Got that, dittoheads? No, I guess not.

Rush, your dittoheads don’t get it, that what you do is just an act. To them, what you are telling them is nothing short of gospel. That you are willing to lead these followers into a land of perpetual ignorance where they are not encouraged to challenge all that they hear, including what they hear from you, is shameful. If you would start and end each show with “Remember, what you are about to hear during the next three hours is just entertainment,” that would be an appropriate way to bring your followers back into the land of reason, knowledge and understanding.

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