Friday, March 20, 2009

Can GOP Keep Up?

Republicans are acting like a drowning man, flailing about, wildly attempting to grab on to anything that will lift them up and keep them from sinking into total irrelevance, as a large rock must surely feel as it falls to the bottom of an ocean. It was sad to see Rep. John Boehner, Senator Jon Kyl and others gathered around a microphone yesterday complaining about President Obama’s trip to the west coast where he held two town hall meetings and appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. President Obama’s effective use of all media to communicate with the people and most importantly, listen to the people, has the GOP spinning like a top. They act like they have never met a President who could handle more than one issue at a time.

Wait, and there’s more.

Today, President Obama has sent some of the biggest names in U.S. foreign policy to meet with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev in an effort to improve frosty relations. Included in the group are former Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker and former US Senator Sam Nunn. No doubt, the results of that meeting will help set the stage for a private meeting of the current heads of state next month (G-20 meeting in London).

All Americans need to give President Obama some room to lead. Be slow to judge, slower still to anger, and resolute in our support of the only President we have. But I recognize that is probably too much to ask of what’s left of GOP leadership, and I am under no illusion that the right wing media voices will give him anything short of hell every day he is in office. So be it. They will soon find there are few ears for their partisan side show.

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