Thursday, February 19, 2009

Remember these names: Rick Perry, Sonny Perdue, Bobby Jindal, Haley Barbour and Mark Sanford

Those are the names of the five southern governors who have indicated they may not take money from the Obama stimulus package to help their states, particularly if it comes with "strings attached."

In other words, remaining ideologically pure in opposition to "anything Obama" is more important to them than actually meeting the needs of their constituents, serving the people who elected them.

They have 45 days from last Tuesday to certify their states will request and use the funds provided in the new law. That means they have until April 3, 2009 to help their states participate in a national effort to stimulate economic recovery.

So, don't forget those names: Rick Perry is Governor of Texas; Sonny Perdue is Governor of Georgia; Bobby Jindal is Governor of Louisiana; Haley Barbour is Governor of Mississippi and Mark Sanford is Governor of South Carolina.

Meanwhile, South Carolina's chairman of the Board of Economic Advisers is already complaining that the money is moving to slowly to the states. "We're on a trajectory to 14 percent unemployment" in South Carolina, and he pleads, "We need it now!" Are you listening Gov. Sanford?

Are any of you guys listening? It is a new day; the people of your state want none of your political posturing.

By the way, the Center for American Progress says some of the states that voted most heavily against the Obama candidacy will do the best in the stimulus package. Damn, this business of having a President who believes in actually being a President for all of the people is sure inconvenient for maintaining a Republican's narrow self serving ideology, isn't it?

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