Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One of the Great Mysteries of Life

A local newspaper, The DC Examiner claims Republicans are in good spirits these days, despite coming off "a devastating, across-the-board electoral defeat."

The paper gets it right. This is the essence of what I've been telling my Republican friends for a long time:

"Being in opposition, after eight years of a Republican presidency and 12 years of GOP rule in Congress, suits many of them just fine. It's not that they were glad to lose. There are a lot of indignities involved in being the minority, and a pretty small minority at that. But talk to Republican lawmakers and insiders these days, and they speak as if an enormous weight has been lifted from their shoulders. Some of that weight was named George W. Bush, but in a larger sense, Republicans are relieved to be free of the burden of running things."

This is what I've been trying to tell you. Generally, Rs don't like the business of governing. They are not good at it. Most of the ones I have known the past 40 years are far more comfortable sitting on the back bench throwing rotten tomatoes at the Democratic majority. Indeed, that is what they do best. At least, that has been my experience. They just to say "no" all of the time, and return to their back row bench where they pray for the Democratic majority to pass into law the legislation they oppose. I know, it doesn't make sense, but that's their most comfortable modus operandi.

It is really unfortunate that being able to go back home and say "I opposed that one to the end" is more important that actually participating in the legislative process.

I'm not intentionally hard on my R friends, I just report the facts (as I see them). Republicans are indeed relieved to be free of the burden of "running things." Oh Newt, wherefore art thou?

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