Friday, February 27, 2009

Advice to Democrats on Twittering

DON'T! What is this all about? What have we come to that a member of the US Congress feels it necessary to announce he has arrived in Bagdad on a secret mission to all the world via "140 characters or less." You think our enemies won't read your message?! Why does a member of a state legislature announce via Twitter that a member of the other party is about to switch parties, thus dooming even the most remote possibility that he will do so?! Politicians are astoundingly careless in what they say in e-mails sent from their Blackberry's.

Sitting in the middle of the President's address to the Congress, members of both parties had their fingers flying and they weren't commenting on the substance of the speech, at least not in a rational way.

My advice: if you are thinking of twittering...or tweeting...and you have a position of responsibility in government at any level, DON"T. If you have already found yourself guilty of twittering...or tweeting, STOP. Your political future depends on it. You are going to say something inappropriate or self-incriminating or possibly, career ending, in a very short time.

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