Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Republican who speaks the truth

Finally, a Republican who speaks the truth about Republican spending.
Former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) was interviewed on MSNBC the other day and revealed what no Republican office holder in Washington today dares to say:

"The biggest spending president in the history of the U.S.? The answer is George W. Bush not President Obama. Never vetoed a single bill, spending bill for six and a half years. And then the Republicans sit there and say, yeah, but this guy is worse than he is three to one."

Thank you, Senator Simpson, for speaking the truth.

I thought of Sen. Simpson when I listened to Republicans criticize President Obama the other day for spending $600 million so far in support of the Libyan rebels. This from a party that never said a word, sat on their tails, while Bush 43 was spending $10 billion A MONTH on his and Dick Cheney's Great Persian Adventure!

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