Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Read the Constitution?

During the recent orientation session, new members of Congress were handed a manual that instructed them how to handle the media, how to avoid ethics violations, how to organize their offices, etc. but I was delighted to learn that the number one thing they were encouraged to do was "Re-read the US Constitution."

Isn't that special.

Why would that be necessary? Because many (not all) of the incoming class have never read it from beginning to end, and even more have no knowledge of its meaning, or regrettably, fewer still have no knowledge or understanding of the legal precedents established by it, e.g., separation of church and state doctrine. This is obvious from their recent campaign rhetoric.

Re-read the Constitution?? I would be happy if they just read it.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the instructions should be "Read the Constitution, then re-read it at least once a week until you know it by heart, and believe it."

Ben said...

Yes, I agree. I would be happy if the new tea party R's would read the Constitution just once. I don't think that is asking too much. But they will still have to have it 'splained to them or you'll end up with people like Christine O'Donnell with a completely ungrounded interpretation of it. Thank God she didn't make it to the US Senate. Robert Byrd would have rolled over in his grave.