Saturday, September 4, 2010

How long, America, how long?

I remember when Richard Nixon campaigned on the twin GOP promises of "smaller government and lower taxes." Nixon was elected but did not deliver. Government got larger and taxes went up.

I remember when Ronald Reagan pledged smaller government and lower taxes if he was elected. By the time he finished his 8 years, government was much larger, taxes were higher and the national debt had been increased by three times.

I remember when Georgia Bush said "Read my lips" for the first time. Video tape was ubiquitous by that time and so politically he could not live by the lie of "No new taxes" and he lost his re-election bid. Taxes did, indeed, go up, and yes, government got bigger.

If you are going to lie to the American people, be sure not to let anyone videotape you at a political convention promising smaller government and lower taxes.

Bush 43 and Cheney promised the same thing. Taxes went down for the very rich during their two terms but that's all. Government got bigger, taxes went up, and the national debt was quadrupled.

For 50 years, the GOP has run on the same pledge (lie): "Elect us; we will lower your taxes and reduce the size of government." Members of the loyal GOP: THEY NEVER DO WHAT THEY PROMISE. Why? Because the government of the US is already large and must be so in order to meet America's responsibilities at home and abroad. And taxes must be paid in order to pay for those responsibilities. We cannot go back to the time of our forefathers when we had a country of 4 million citizens. Today we have 322 million and counting. We are large and getting larger. You and I better pray that someone is planning on a government that can meet the demands of a citizenry of that size. Who else are you going to turn to when there is a hurricane in your backyard, an oil spill on your beach, an unsafe car in your driveway, unsafe meat in your refrigerator, a pandemic sweeping the nation, terrorist beating down your door. You better hope the government is large enough to meet the challenge and has a full team of pros at the ready.

Stop expecting something for nothing. Accept the fact that these people will continue to manipulate you as long as you let them. But may I ask you: please stop letting them get away with manipulating you with simple Simon solutions to complex questions. Please stop.

In Virginia, the current GOP governor said we can save $500 million and apply it to our budget if we sell the state owned liquor stores. Now, he realizes that was a short term fix and he still needs to raise that money on an annual basis to balance Virginia's budget so he is proposing a fee (he can't say the word "tax") on liquor sold at wholesale and in restaurants. He is not a full year into his term and already he is proposing a new tax. Where is the outrage from his fellow Republicans? Oh, I see, you supported him not because he may actually try to do what he says, but because it puts the GOP in charge.

Our government can't survive this approach to preserving the Republic at the state or federal level.

How long, America, how long?

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