Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Obama's Approval Rating

This morning I saw a new poll that says President Obama's approval rating is down a point from last week, to 43%. And on the radio, I heard a candidate for Congress out West say, "President Obama is the worst President in American history."

Is there no one in the middle or on the right who is "using their heads for anything but a hat rack," as my dad used to say???

Obama saved the auto industry. He passed a stimulus package. He passed financial reform. All of which helped save jobs and kept the economy from sinking into the abyss.

Obama passed a health care reform bill which will insure million of Americans now uninsured, and the bill has a chance -- a chance -- to slow the growth in individual health care costs.

Obama has brought the ill-conceived Iraqi war to an honorable conclusion with no promise that the centuries old Sunni-Shia conflicts will not return the country to the chaos it has known in the past under the strong man rule of the latest despot.

Obama has turned America's military focus to Afghanistan to stabilize the country while continuing to search for the 9/11 perpetrators who remain at large.

Obama has presided over a massive federal response to the worst environmental disaster in American history, and has forced BP to put $20B in a kitty to compensate Gulf Coast victims.

All this, in less than 18 months in office!!

And he is still willing to tolerate the belief of 24% of Americans that he is not a "real" citizen.

We do not deserve someone of Barack Obama's intellect, talent, patriotism, and commitment to strengthening America in all its diversity -- but we have him! Thank God, we have him.

So, why IS Obama's approval rating dropping to 43%?

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