Monday, April 28, 2008

Kristol can't hide it

The right wing is going apoplectic over the possibility that Hillary may not be the nominee for the Democratic Party. They have eight years of fermenting hate built up for unleashing on her candidacy this fall. I have a Republican friend who was so certain it would be Hillary in 2008 that he bet me a steak dinner on her candidacy way back in 2002!! And now this fellow Obama threatens to spoil the punch at their party. You have noticed, I'm sure, how the major Republican pundits have tried their best to point wayward Democrats toward her. Some have been subtle, some have been sub rosa, some like William Kristol in today's NYT have resorted to being downright blunt about it:

"But I do think I can speak for most of my fellow right-wingers when I say this: We once looked forward with unambivalent glee to the fall of the house of Clinton. Many of us still do. But we also see the liberal media failing to give Hillary Clinton the respect she deserves. So, since we conservatives believe in giving credit where credit is due, it falls to us to praise Hillary.

The fact is Hillary Clinton has turned out to be an impressive candidate."

Make no mistake about it, the Repubs still look forward with "glee" to taking on Hillary. Watch Pat Buchanan the next time you see him on MSNBC. He wants Hillary so BAD! He just can't hide it. So sorry, Pat, it ain't gonna happen. And Rush Limberger -- he's been "leading the charge" for Hillary from the beginning!

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