Saturday, April 26, 2008

January 20, 2009

When the clock strikes twelve noon at the US Capitol and the swearing in ceremony begins for the 44th President of the United States, three things will be certain:

Anxious Person: our new President Barack Obama who has just been handed a list of the most pressing problems facing the nation and is anxious to get started.

Happiest Person: Bush 43, who keeps looking at his watch, wondering if he will be on time for the Greyhound bus that takes him back to Crawford. No one has ever left Washington, DC in higher spirits!

Saddest Person: Osama bin Laden, sitting in his Afghan cave, realizes he has just lost his Number One recruiter. Bush's blunders work wonders on recruitment and moral in the ranks of al Qaeda. Oh well, they can still keep in touch by exchanging greeting cards at Christmas and Ramadan.

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