Thursday, December 22, 2011

Answers not at Corner Cafe

These tea party representatives in Congress think the federal budget solutions they dreamed up back home while sitting in the corner cafe, waiting for their farm subsidy check, will work because they are simple and everyone can understand them. They are finding out their solutions do not work, but they refuse to acknowledge they are wrong.

If I hear a tea party member say one more time, "I have to balance my checkbook every month, why shouldn't we expect the same from our federal government," I'm going to throw up. They are mixing two entirely different responsibilities. The last time I checked, that person doesn't have the responsibility to defend the shores, provide economic aid to tsunami victims in SE Asia, rebuild dykes in New Orleans, underwrite low interest loans to drought stricken farmers -- to name just a very few. No, your responsibility, faithful tea party whiner, is to balance your checkbook, send your tax dollars to Washington, and finally, the one thing you have not done lately, send to Washington someone -- anyone -- who has a basic understanding of how the economy works and -- bonus points here -- and has a basic understanding of the interdependency of a thousand economic elements that make it work. Please do that next time. Please.

Don't send us people who want to arrest "activist" judges. That's a violation of the Separation of Powers doctrine in our Constitution.

Don't send us people who think it took no guts to order the surgical strike on Osama bin Laden.

Don't send us people who want to shrink the size of government but refuse to tell us what current list of services THEY RECEIVE that they would be willing to do without.

Don't send us people who do not understand that government is here to serve all citizens, not just their little clique of close minded individuals -- although government serves them, too -- and well.

I'm sick of these people. Just sick of them.

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