Thursday, August 4, 2011

A New Modus Operandi

Make no mistake, the Repubs have tasted blood...and they like it.

Their new MO will be to take each of the 13 appropriations bills as they come up for debate, disassemble them, and uncover the most onerous provision(s) from their point of view and hold the entire bill hostage until the Dems agree to their position. The most recent example is the FAA appropriations bill. The R's want federal subsidies to mostly rural airports (mostly in Democratic districts, by the way) eliminated. The Dems are not going along. Thousands of ordinary Americans are being hurt, blue collar types who work paycheck to paycheck, are being hurt. The R's don't care. They desire is only to make a point: "We want to be viewed as the party of fiscal discipline and we will eliminate spending wherever we find it, whenever we find it especially in Democratic held districts." As Dana Carvey said, "Isn't that special." As for the impact on the federal budget, such cuts hardly make a ripple. But they don't care. Their goal is to hurt Obama's chances of getting re-elected and if the economy is hurt in the process, well, that only increases their chances for electing a new actor. It is despicable behavior and another example of why Ben Franklin told the lady, "You have a republic IF YOU CAN KEEP IT."

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