Friday, June 10, 2011

Newt is neutered by his staff. Darn it!

I'm just sick --- sick, I tell you, that Newt's staff has dealt his presidential campaign such a fatal blow. And it is. It's over. Everyone knows it right now but Newt. I was so hoping Newt would stay in the race to the end. Beaten around in Iowa, stomped in New Hampshire and slaughtered in SC, and finally, ignored at the convention. I really wanted to hear more about this right wing social engineering concern of his. I wanted to see if his wife would show up anywhere in expensive jewelry. But most of all I was looking forward to those pompous pronouncements he likes to make about nearly everything as if he is delivering some sort of divine revelation from Olympus. Few are the people who have chosen to enter politics in the last century with an arrogance to match his.

I remember well when he was first elected to Congress in 1978. Rep Jack Flynt had successfully deflected Newt's ambitions twice,but when age forced Jack finally to give up the seat, Newt was waiting. He was just a little fig Newt(on) in those days, a professor of history at West Georgia College at Carrollton. He had come to Georgia from his native Pennsylvania in search of a district filled with country rubes who would be easy to manipulate. He found them and waited.

Oh, well, I was hoping for a long, long public flogging of his ego in this race so we could escort him off the political stage permanently. Nevertheless, if the recent resignations of his staff succeed in pulling the plug on his campaign, the nation, indeed, the world will be better served -- and we will all be able to sleep easier at night.

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