Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too Early for 2012? I hope not because...

I guess it's time to start commenting on the 2012 Presidential race. I apologize if it seems too early but these things are too important to leave to chance. As the Republican field becomes clearer, I'll comment here on the aspirations of the various aspirants. And they are various, aren't they? It'll be general at first, but when the field is winnowed to a precious few, the comments will become more analytical, I promised you. But let's begin by easily separating the "doesn't have a chance" chaff from the remaining classical chaff. (I don't think there is any "wheat" to consider, but I'll try.)

Newt Gingrich: Not a snow ball's chance. His staff used to say "Newt has enough ideas to fill a file cabinet; his good ideas would sit in a desktop pencil box with room to spare." If that's not enough to know, consider that this man is the human who started the modern bitter partisan bickering when he came to Congress and has continued to feed it every day that he draws a breath. One more thing: Has it ever occurred to you that when he walks into a room, his girth combined with his sly grin make him look like Captain Kangeroo?

Sarah Palin: If she lead the "Know Nothing Party," she might have a chance at the nomination, but she doesn't.

Michele Bachmann: Best example of reductive evolution walking around upright today. So very sad. Where was the shot heard round the world fired, Michele?

Donald Trump: He is undoubtedly an extremely smart businessman, but he is a political idiot. Regrettable that he is the only person in America who doesn't know it.

I'll let you know when I get through with the "doesn't have a chance" chaff. It may be a while.

Next time:
Mike Huckabee
Haley Barbour
Mitt Romney
Tim Pawlenty

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