Monday, March 28, 2011

Karab Amabo

Too good not to see again. Bill Maher has nailed it. The perfect Republican nominee for 2012 is the opposite of Barak Obama right down to his name which is Karab Amabo...which is, of course, Barak Obama spelled backward. Check out the video and have a good laugh. Very funny but hard to laugh because it reflects too accurately the current Republican point of view.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More commentary on GOP potentials in 2012

To continue...

Mike Huckabee: He believes in absolute literal interpretation of the Bible, including the creation story. He would not consider the probability that it was meant to be allegorical. He and Pat Robertson and Glenn Beck will get along just fine.

Mitt Romney: He will always be the godfather of Obamacare in the minds of most baseline Republicans and as such, will not get their vote. And in the South, which is now the corporate headquarters for the GOP, a Mormon is not likely to scratch. Still, the Southern wing of the GOP has never been known to stick to principle, so if he starts to gain momentum, they may throw out their convictions to be with the only guy they believe can win. Why? He is the best looking candidate they have -- and he says so. He's the guy "whose picture is in the frame you buy at the drug store." That's what he says. [The other Mormon, Jon Huntsman, is not going to run, so I'll make no comment on him.]

Haley Barbour: Oh, boy. Well I should say, "Oh, what a good ole boy!" He reminds me of Senator Phogbound (from the Li'l Abner comic strip). And his positions are much the same. Very dismissive of racial segregation. Of course, he will have to live in Mississippi after he fails in the pursuit of the nomination so he has to be careful or he will end up with a cross burning on his lawn.

Tim Pawlenty: He knows the truth and if he dares say it, the GOP faithful will show him the door quickly. For instance, he knows global warming is a fact and that man is the major contributor to it. But he can't say it. He's going nowhere.

Bottom line: this is a wide open race. All contenders are from the GOP "redshirts," that is, they couldn't make the varsity so they are being held out to mature and hone their skills. But first, you have to have skills.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too Early for 2012? I hope not because...

I guess it's time to start commenting on the 2012 Presidential race. I apologize if it seems too early but these things are too important to leave to chance. As the Republican field becomes clearer, I'll comment here on the aspirations of the various aspirants. And they are various, aren't they? It'll be general at first, but when the field is winnowed to a precious few, the comments will become more analytical, I promised you. But let's begin by easily separating the "doesn't have a chance" chaff from the remaining classical chaff. (I don't think there is any "wheat" to consider, but I'll try.)

Newt Gingrich: Not a snow ball's chance. His staff used to say "Newt has enough ideas to fill a file cabinet; his good ideas would sit in a desktop pencil box with room to spare." If that's not enough to know, consider that this man is the human who started the modern bitter partisan bickering when he came to Congress and has continued to feed it every day that he draws a breath. One more thing: Has it ever occurred to you that when he walks into a room, his girth combined with his sly grin make him look like Captain Kangeroo?

Sarah Palin: If she lead the "Know Nothing Party," she might have a chance at the nomination, but she doesn't.

Michele Bachmann: Best example of reductive evolution walking around upright today. So very sad. Where was the shot heard round the world fired, Michele?

Donald Trump: He is undoubtedly an extremely smart businessman, but he is a political idiot. Regrettable that he is the only person in America who doesn't know it.

I'll let you know when I get through with the "doesn't have a chance" chaff. It may be a while.

Next time:
Mike Huckabee
Haley Barbour
Mitt Romney
Tim Pawlenty