Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Protecting all the little shrimp

Many very good brains are working on plugging BP’s oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, so I am not focusing energy on solving that problem. Instead, I have moved on to another and potentially far more catastrophic result of this environmental disaster – and it must be addressed soon: A Gulf filled to overflowing with oil instead of water.

If the well is not plugged until August (and some say it may not be plugged until December), could the water in the Gulf be in danger of being displaced someday soon by all the oil that continues to spew forth in every increasing quantities? This is NOT a spill or a leak; it is a well that could be pumping via nature’s own pressure at full volume for an unknown number of years.

If it is true that oil and water do not mix, Gulf water has to go someplace, and so might it cause water levels to rise in the Gulf? I mean – and let’s get to the bottom line quickly – might the water level be pushed up to the front door of the governor’s mansions in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida? And while we’re at it, is the ranch in Crawford, Texas in any danger? These are the big questions, at least, the serious questions. After all, who cares about the shrimp that live underwater, we have other shrimp to protect!

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