Thursday, January 21, 2010

What the Supreme Court Did Today

Here's what your Supreme Court did today according to a report just received from the New York Times:
The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that corporations may spend
freely to support or oppose candidates for president and
Congress, easing decades-old limits on their participation in
federal campaigns.

Here's what it means:

Any nut case CEO with his hands on his company's treasury can dip into unlimited sums of money from the corporate treasury to support a candidate. that makes you contribution of $100 non-existent to the body politic and any one's contribution of $1,000 or even $5,000 totally insignificant in the eyes of an elected official. Such unbridled, unrestricted corporate influence over the ignorant and uninformed voter will no doubt lead in the near future to electing candidates on the order of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and yes, perhaps even another George Bush. Good luck, America!

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