Friday, November 20, 2009

Are we done yet?

We are rapidly moving to the point in our history where no one -- and I mean NO ONE -- can govern this nation. We are so utterly and completely polarized that no one will be able to keep enough of us in the center long enough to govern in a way that moves us forward.

There are many reasons for the polarization but I blame the Internet first and radical talk media second. The Internet is an open sewer and people are so very quick to accept everything on it as truth....when 90% is definitely not.

Last night I got an e-m that had been circulated among hundreds of people. It showed President Obama at Ft. Hood on Veterans Day standing on a stage with hands folded in front of him while military people on the stage were saluting. The person who started the e-mail string said "Why can't this guy honor the fallen as he should; why can't he at least put his hand over his heart during the playing of the National Anthem. If I had a sword, I would take care of the problem. I am outraged and you should be, too. Send this to everyone in your mailing list." I took 15 seconds to read about it on and here is what I learned. The photo was NOT taken at Ft. Hood. It was Arlington cemetery. It was NOT taken on Veterans Day 2009; it was Memorial Day 2009. And most importantly, it was NOT taken during the playing of the National Anthem. It was taken just moments after Obama took the stage and the band was still playing "Hail to the Chief." It would have been inappropriate for him to salute himself!! In my opinion, this type of e-m activity is not amusing in the slightest.

This man, Barack Obama, is doing the best job of which he is capable for us. He will make mistakes, and unlike some in that office, he will admit to them. But there is a fairly large and vocal contingent who are not really part of any major political party who hate him for being there. They do not understand our system of government. If they did, they would understand that when the voters have spoken, you get with the program. I'm sorry but this is serious. And it is adversely impacting all major issues before the Congress. If we can't get health care reform done this year, an issue that has been waiting for its day of deliberation for more than six decades, this country will have demonstrated that the people won't let our Congress perform as it should....and all of us will be done.

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