Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Republican Friends

My Republican friends e-mail me almost every day with some new “old” complaint about the President. He is so different from their model, so different from what they expect an obedient, “do what we tell you” President ought to be. They just can’t understand this guy. Here is a President who actually thinks before he answers a question, who actually listens to others, who believes in the true separation of powers, and in using all three branches of government to govern. It’s just a bit much for them to get their brains around.

They do not yet see that the auto industry WILL be entirely something else in eight years; they do not see that America WILL be a whole lot less dependent on fossil fuels to drive its cars in eight years; they do not yet see that financial markets WILL have new supervision and oversight; they do not see that health care WILL be reformed and universal health care WILL be accepted, indeed, embraced even by Republicans.

I advise them to get ready for an economy that will grow at a healthy rate for at least another 25 years. This is the kind of paradigm shift that impacts all facets of our lives. (Wait until nanotechnology hits computers in your office and automobiles in your garage with its full potential. You will be witness to real growth!)

Our President is just getting started. The credit card bill – a measure we have sorely needed for 30 years – is just the beginning. I tell my Republican friends, “If you can’t understand what is happening, if you think it is too much for us to handle as Americans, if you think we can’t or shouldn’t do any of these ambitious things, you best stand back because you will be run over by people who see ‘yes’ where you see only ‘no.’”

PS Keep you Blackberry fully charged if you want even a slim chance of keeping up.


AP said...

I have been unable to find the economic growth projections that I am sure accompany a plan that is this elaborate, which department's website has that information? Also do you happen to know the maturity date of the bonds that the FED is buying from us or where to find the details of that bond issue?

Ben said...

You won't find "economic growth projections" that follow my suggested paradigm shift anywhere because they are a product of Ben's life experience and reading of history. Whatever small amount of insight I may have is based on history, e.g., the invention of the transistor in the late 1940s and the entire computer industry that followed. That's a shift on the order of what to expect soon. We are at the threshold of such a new period. The Rs have not demonstrated any ability to see or understand this new alpha period. Tighten your seatbelt, AP; it's going to be quite a ride.

AP said...

Then where can I find the growth projections that accompany this recovery plan? In other words, what do they think will happen and on what time frame? I am sure they have done that kind of analysis, any good strategic has objectives and measureable goals/timeframes that go with it. From a transparancy standpoint we should be able to get our hands on that kind of info shouldn't we? Where can I find it? This is not a political dig as I dont care what the Rs can or cant see, I have been looking around government websites and can't find it.

Ben said...

Oh my. I repeat. This is my vision. I have not heard anyone in Government say this analysis was anywhere akin to theirs. At the moment it is MY vision.

A lot of people can't get their hands around "that vision thing" as Bush 41 used to call it...and that is why they are not running the government anymore. If you can't see or don't share the potential result of my vision, that's OK. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. You remind me of critics of JFK's vision of going to the moon in less than 10 years. Some said, "You can't do it, we don't have the technology, what will it cost, where are the projections on cost, what about benefits, tell us specifically what will be the benefits." You get the idea. Again, that's OK, fasten your seat belt and invest wisely. You will get rich.

AP said...

I am not doing a good job of getting my question across I guess. I understand this is YOUR vision and I see the potential for great earnings when the leap forward occurs. What I am looking for is the administration's vision written down somewhere or is it just in their head? You only get bits and pieces from speeches and media outlets, I just know that a smart group of people like this has developed some specific expectations or benchmarks for their own plan beyond some generic answer like "when the economy turns around you will know it worked". Any person with the education this team has would and I would like to read it and see what the benchmarks are. You have labeled me as some critic and I say I do not know enough to be a critic, that is why I am asking the question, this is the correct forum for that is it not? If the answer is they dont publish projections they just keep them to themselves or you dont know, that is fine, I just thought I would try to find out as many specifics about what is going on as I can and I felt like this new era of transparency would allow me to do that better than I have been able to so far.