Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If John McCain and Newt Gingrich get it, why not the RNC?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sent a rather scathing letter to Mike Duncan today, accusing the RNC chairman of engaging in "a destructive distraction" by attempting to tie Barack Obama to Rod Blagojevich. In particular, Gingrich hit the RNC for putting out a web ad that made it seem as if the President-elect was hiding a nefarious chapter of his personal history with the embattled Illinois Governor.

"The RNC should pull the ad down immediately," Gingrich wrote.

The GOP is a party that, apparently, has learned nothing from its recent election defeats. Gingrich is trying to get RNC leadership to understand that Barack Obama is the real deal. You will gain nothing by attacking him on character issues.

Obama is a man of the highest integrity. If we didn't know it before, we know it now.

Several days ago, John McCain told David Letterman's audience the RNC should “lay off.”

Will someone please call Mike Duncan and tell him to turn the page? The opposition party is supposed to oppose when it has something to oppose. The current attempt to diminish the stature of Barack Obama just makes the RNC look foolish and amateurish.

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