Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"So frustrating..."

Can't you just see the Republicans sitting around this afternoon trying to celebrate their victory in Wisconsin last night.
Yes, I can hear them now:

R #1: 
"Damn, we can't catch a break!  We win in Wisconsin but the stock market won't cooperate.  The Dow and S&P posted their best day of 2012 today.  The Dow gained 284 points. We had Obama on the ropes last Friday, hit him a couple of more times last night -- and now this!"

"Can't those Koch brothers do something besides write checks.  How 'bout a little help killing that market and while they're at it, find some way to slow down this recovery.  Congress is doing its part by refusing to cooperate with Obama on anything that might help. 

R #1: "Yep, we've got the Congressional stonewall under control; we just need some help undermining this recovery.  Who's got the phone number of the Kochs?"