Sunday, September 4, 2011

Three Truths You Can Believe

Truths you can take to the bank anytime you are ready.

1. There is no one who knows anything at all about the history of Iraq and Afghanistan who does not believe the two countries will be run by tribal leaders and/or Islamic fundamentalists half an hour after America removes the last troops. Thank you Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush.

2. It is going to take a full generation to completely recover from the faux prosperity of the period 2000-2008 when Bush/Cheney continued to borrow and spend like drunken sailors and refused to raise taxes to pay for their two wars. Indeed, they wouldn't even let the cost be considered as part of the annual budget expense.

We are going to grow our way out of the hole by innovating, inventing and educating the next generation. Many unemployed of the present generation will never be fully employed again because they are expert only at video games and text messaging. LOL

3. Obama will be re-elected in 2012. How can I be so certain? You can't beat something with nothing. But if it turns out that you can, it won't matter anyway because America will be finished. Doesn't it scare you to realize that the 15-20 percent of the voters who will decide the next election are not even paying attention right now and couldn't tell you the name of even one of the 13 Republican dwarfs competing for the nomination. This is the state of politics in the America of 2011. It's a complex world that demands our best. And what are we doing? We're giving air time to a woman who doesn't know the significance of Paul Revere's ride, a governor who denies global warming, would secede from the union if he could, thinks Social Security is a ponzi scheme, and a former governor who doesn't believe anything with conviction -- it depends on which day you ask him.

People often walk up and say, "I don't know what to believe these days." You should feel free to offer the above three truths as something certain they can believe in. Because they can.